
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Day of Giving Thanks

I really like how Thanksgiving is said in Spanish - Dia de Accion de Gracia. Literally translated the Day of the Action of Giving Thanks.

Today is a testament as to how something that can start really bad can turn into a good thing. Think about it... after the first Thanksgiving feast I don't think that the Indians were very thankful for their new neighbors but centuries later I am able to enjoy this day as they did the very first time. Full of Thanks!!!

I am thankful....

...that we have made it thru a very hard year financially.
...that as a family we are healing old wounds and slowing down on creating new ones.
...that new friends have become family
...that old friends are doing well
...that we are healthy physically
...that we haven't, as a family, given up hope for a new better future
...that a miracle has happened and I am privileged to have witnessed it (Congrats Amanda and Ernie on the baby!)
...that tears shed yesterday make for a lighter heart today
...for my sweetie, even though there have been so many hard days this year
...for my sister, who's loyalty and support never changes
...for the kiddos in my life, although I didn't birth any I feel so honored for having them in my life
...for Maritza, who I can't go a day without talking to!
...for Vanesa and Linda, who really understand the foot pain and how much I would like to hurt Angel some times.
...for my highschool six pack + more friends that always keep it real.
...for Facebook, I *heart* you for allowing me to find all those people again (and allowing me to block some as well!)
...for my ballroom instructors, old and current (Angel), that keep that fire burning within me
...for my parents, for raising me with patience, respect and so much love.
...for potato vodka and whiskey....and that Colombian place where we get our hangover soup at!
...for my complaining, it reminds me that I still care.

Happy Day of the Action of Giving Thanks

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