
Friday, October 01, 2010

Here to stay

I have been struggling.

It took me a few minutes to even type that sentence. I don't like asking for help. Seems like an oxymoron to me since I offer my assistance all the time to friends, family and even strangers. Here is the kicker, I enjoy helping others but just don't ever feel right asking for it. It now explains so much more about my life than I have the time or energy to write about.

I went to my WW meeting this week and weighed in. That is my success story for this week. I knew that I would have a gain. I knew that I didn't follow or even think of the plan that whole week. But I showed up. While I was sitting there I realized that for the first time I am showing up for my life.

I got a message from Rev Run today that made me laugh and puts it all into perspective: "We're here for a good time not a long time. (Enjoy!)"

I found this image online somewhere and thought it is most appropiate for this post. :) Enjoy.

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