
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Organic, veggies and paper(less)

Hello my name is Lourdes and I love a nice flowing pen and yummy paper. Okay, I said it.

But I am also so in love with technology and all the ways it can make my life (and those around) easier). I am very forunate that my employer has switched all the printers to MFD (multi-functional devices for you non-geek, non-facilites employees). These beautiful units do it all - print, fax, copy and scan to a PDF. Now, we have had these units for well over a year but I only got the bright, albeit slow, idea of scanning all my important documents last month. What caused this momentous shift in my already techno-crazy head? about a 100+ page medical record from my RE. It weighed a ton and was hard to thumb thru so I decided to scan it.

This has been my game plan:
1) Scan all important documents including front and back of credit cards. I still retain these documents in hardcopy format but now have a nice backup.
2) Scan documents that I want to keep and shred the original. Again using my employers shred-onsite service. Gotta love that employer!
3) Print to PDF interesting articles, how-to stuff, and other misc things I find on a regular basis.
4) If I print, I only have used paper in my printer (aka printed one side). This way I am using both sides of the paper before disposing of it.

I know that step 4 doesn't completely fall under this category but in my mind it is all related. If you are interested in going paperless or as I like to think of it "free from the mounds of paper" you can get some great tips from this blog post.

Disclaimer: If you come over to my home don't be shocked by the amount of paper you will still find. A) Read the first sentence of this post. B) This is a process, a race not a sprint. C) I live with a non-techie guy (love him to pieces) and D) I am a scrapbooker. Sometimes hybrid but 100% tactile.

I will leave you with this parting thought. I want to grow my own vegetable - herb garden. My mother has a green thumb. Mine appears to have gangrene. I found a few blogs that were interesting and ordered some books from the library. I will share later on. Do you have any suggestions? Advise? Medication? :)


Anonymous said...

That sounds like a great plan, I've been glad to scan some of the big documents I didn't want to hang on to forever.

Amanda said...

HA!!!!!! Gangrene!! That's funny!